Statistical mechanics of extended black objects

Aug, 1992
20 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 47 (1993) 2438-2445
Report number:
  • UAHEP-9214

Citations per year

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We extend the considerations of a previous paper on black hole statistical mechanics to the case of black extended objects such as black strings and black membranes in 10-dimensional space-time. We obtain a general expression for the Euclidean action of quantum black p-branes and derive their corresponding degeneracy of states. The statistical mechanics of a gas of black p-branes is then analyzed in the microcanonical ensemble. As in the case of black holes, the equilibrium state is not thermal and the stable configuration is the one for which a single black object carries most of the energy. Again, neutral black p-branes obey the bootstrap condition and it is then possible to argue that their scattering amplitudes satisfy crossing symmetry. Finally, arguments identifying quantum black p-branes with ordinary quantum branes of different dimensionality are presented.
  • black hole
  • statistical mechanics
  • membrane model: p-brane
  • string model
  • WKB approximation
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