Virtual photon bremsstrahlung in quark gluon plasma
Aug, 1992
26 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 47 (1993) 989-997
Report number:
- BI-TP-92-35
Citations per year
Abstract: (APS)
The production of dielectron pairs due to bremsstrahlung of quarks is calculated in a hot quark-gluon plasma. It is shown that multiple scattering of quarks leads to an infrared stable result for dielectron emission rates. The influence of the Landau-Pomeranchuk effect, due to destructive interference of virtual photons, is calculated and analyzed. For the soft electromagnetic signal from a QCD plasma, this effect is more important than the one due to the thermal quark mass; it furthermore reduces significantly the dielectron production rates. It is also shown that in the low invariant-mass region the contributions from quark and pion virtual bremsstrahlung are of the same order of magnitude.- quark gluon: plasma
- quark: bremsstrahlung
- bremsstrahlung: quark
- quark: mass
- mass: quark
- electron: pair production
- pair production: electron
- yield: (positron electron)
- quark: multiple scattering
- multiple scattering: quark