The Anatomy of beyond leading logarithms with improved hadronic matrix elements
Mar, 1993
116 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 408 (1993) 209-285
- hep-ph/9303284 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- TUM-T31-35-93,
- MPI-PH-93-11,
- CERN-TH-6821-93
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We use the recently calculated two--loop anomalous dimensions of current-current operators, QCD and electroweak penguin operators to construct the effective Hamiltonian for transitions beyond the leading logarithmic approximation. We solve the renormalization group equations and give the numerical values of Wilson coeff. functions. We propose a new semi-phenomenological approach to hadronic matrix elements which incorporates the data for -conserving amplitudes and allows to determine the matrix elements of all operators in any renormalization scheme and do a renormalization group analysis of all hadronic matrix elements . We compare critically our treatment of these matrix elements with those given in the literature. We find in the NDR scheme \epe = (6.7 \pm 2.6)\times 10~{-4} in agreement with the experimental findings of E731. We point out however that the increase of by only a factor of two gives \epe = (20.0 \pm 6.5)\times 10~{-4} in agreement with the result of NA31. The dependence of \epe on , and is presented.- CP: violation
- current: flavor changing
- quantum chromodynamics
- renormalization group
- effective Hamiltonian
- leading logarithm approximation
- model: weak interaction
- weak interaction: model
- CKM matrix matrix
- operator product expansion