Idealized multigrid algorithm for staggered fermions

Apr, 1993
14 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.D 48 (1993) R1926-R1930
Report number:
  • DESY-93-046

Citations per year

An idealized multigrid algorithm for the computation of propagators of staggered fermions is investigated. Exemplified in four-dimensional SU(2)SU(2) gauge fields, it is shown that the idealized algorithm preserves criticality under coarsening. The same is not true when the coarse grid operator is defined by the Galerkin prescription. Relaxation times in computations of propagators are small, and critical slowing is strongly reduced (or eliminated) in the idealized algorithm. Unfortunately, this algorithm is not practical for production runs, but the investigations presented here answer important questions of principle.
  • lattice field theory
  • gauge field theory: SU(2)
  • fermion: propagator
  • operator: Dirac
  • numerical methods: Monte Carlo
  • tables