Diffeomorphism invariant generalized measures on the space of connections modulo gauge transformations

May, 1993
24 pages
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The notion of a measure on the space of connections modulo gauge transformations that is invariant under diffeomorphisms of the base manifold is important in a variety of contexts in mathematical physics and topology. At the formal level, an example of such a measure is given by the Chern-Simons path integral. Certain measures of this sort also play the role of states in quantum gravity in Ashtekar's formalism. These measures define link invariants, or more generally multiloop invariants: as noted by Witten, the Chern-Simons path integral gives rise to the Jones polynomial, while in quantum gravity this observation is the basis of the loop representation due to Rovelli and Smolin. Here we review recent work on making these ideas mathematically rigorous, and give a rigorous construction of diffeomorphism-invariant measures on the space of connections modulo gauge transformations generalizing the recent work of Ashtekar and Lewandowski. This construction proceeds by doing lattice gauge theory on graphs analytically embedded in the base manifold.
  • talk
  • gauge field theory
  • path integral: measure
  • transformation: gauge
  • moduli space
  • invariance: diffeomorphism
  • phase space
  • Wilson loop