Viability of perturbative renormalization factors in lattice QCD calculation of the K0 - anti-K0 mixing matrix
Apr, 1993
15 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.Lett. 71 (1993) 24-26
Report number:
- KEK-CP-1,
Citations per year
Abstract: (APS)
Validity of perturbative estimation of renormalization factors in weak matrix element calculations in lattice QCD is examined for the K0−K¯0 mixing matrix by comparing results for gauge invariant and noninvariant operators. A large disagreement found for uncorrected results for the two cases is shown to be removed by the one-loop renormalization factor. This indicates that the large scaling violation in the mixing matrix previously reported is not due to an artifact of prescription of lattice calculations. Our estimate of B^K for the continuum in quenched QCD is 0.61(13)–0.83(7).- lattice field theory: B-parameter
- quantum chromodynamics
- K0 anti-K0: mixing
- perturbation theory: higher-order
- renormalization group
- approximation: quenching
- current: axial-vector
- quark: sea
- quark: mass
- mass: quark