Gluon plasma frequency: The Next-to-leading order term

Jun, 1993
41 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 413 (1994) 353-395
Report number:
  • ITP-UH-8-93,
  • DESY-93-080

Citations per year

The longitudinal-electric oscillations of the hot gluon system are studied beyond the well known leading order term at high temperature TT and small coupling gg. The coefficient η\eta in ω 2=m 2(1+ηgN)\omega~2 = m~2 (1+ \eta \, g \sqrt{N} ) is calculated, where ωω(q=0)\omega \equiv \omega (q=0) is the long-wavelength limit of the frequency spectrum, NN the number of colours and m 2=g 2NT 2/9m~2=g~2 N T~2/9. In the course of this, for the real part of the gluon self-energy, the Braaten-Pisarski resummation programme is found to work well in all details. The coefficient η\eta is explicitly seen to be gauge independent within the class of covariant gauges. Infrared singularities cancel as well as collinear singularities in the two-loop diagrams with both inner momenta hard. However, as it turns out, none of these two-loop contributions reaches the relative order O(g)O(g) under study. The minus sign in our numerical result   η=.53  \; \eta = -.53 \; is in accord with the intuitive picture that the studied mode might soften with increasing coupling (lower temperature) until a phase transition is reached at zero-frequency. The minus sign thus exhibits the 'glue' effect for the first time in a dynamical quantity of hot QCD.
  • gluon: plasma
  • plasma: oscillation
  • finite temperature
  • Feynman graph: higher-order
  • gluon: propagator
  • bibliography