The rare decays and beyond leading logarithms
Jul, 1993
44 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 412 (1994) 106-142
- hep-ph/9308272 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- MPI-PH-93-44,
- TUM-T31-44-93
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We analyze the branching ratio for the FCNC mode \ in the standard model with QCD effects taken into account consistently to next-to-leading order. This involves a two-loop renormalization group analysis for the charm contribution, presented in this paper, and the calculation of corrections to all orders in for the top-quark case that we have described elsewhere. The inclusion of next-to-leading corrections reduces considerably the theoretical uncertainty due to the choice of the renormalization scales, inherent in any calculation to finite order in perturbation theory. For \ this point has not been discussed previously. In particular, the related uncertainty in the determination of from is reduced from to for typical values of the parameters. Simultaneously also the dependence of on the choice of is considerably reduced. We also give the next-to-leading order expression for the short-distance part of . Impacts of our calculations on the determination of the unitarity triangle are presented.- K: rare decay
- rare decay: K
- K+: semileptonic decay
- semileptonic decay: K+
- K0(L): leptonic decay
- leptonic decay: K0(L)
- neutral current: flavor changing
- quantum chromodynamics: perturbation theory
- coupling constant: strong interaction
- strong interaction: coupling constant