Cosmological model in 2-d dilaton gravity

Jun, 1993
25 pages
Published in:
  • Prog.Theor.Phys.Suppl. 114 (1993) 207-219
Report number:
  • TIT-HEP-225,
  • COSMO-33

Citations per year

We apply CGHS-type dilaton gravity model to (1+1)-dimensional cosmological situations. First the behavior of a compact 1-dimensional universe (i.e. like a closed string) is classified on the assumption of homogeneity of universe. Several interesting solutions are found, which include a Misner-type universe having closed time-like curves, and an asymptotically de Sitter universe first pointed out by Yoshimura. In the second half of this talk, we discuss the modification of the classical homogeneous solutions, considering inhomogeneity of classical conformal matters and also quantum back-reaction respectively. (An expanded version of the talk presented by T. Mishima at Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics workshop `Quantum Gravity' 24-27, November 1992.)
  • talk: Kyoto 1992/11/24
  • gravitation
  • field theory: dilaton
  • dimension: 2
  • field equations: solution
  • quantum gravity
  • effective action