Majorana - like (j,0) x (0,j) representation spaces: Construction and physical interpretation

Jul, 1993
18 pages
Published in:
  • Mod.Phys.Lett.A 9 (1994) 439-450
Report number:
  • LA-UR-93-2645

Citations per year

We present a formalism that extends the Majorana-construction to arbitrary spin (j,0)+(0,j) representation spaces. For the example case of spin-1, a wave equation satisfied by the Majorana-like (1,0)+(0,1) spinors is constructed and its physical content explored. The (j,0)+(0,j) Majorana-construct is found to possess an unusual classical and quantum field theoretic structure. Relevance of our formalism to parity violation, hadronic phenomenologies, and grand unified field theories is briefly pointed out.
  • group theory: representation
  • spin
  • spinor: Majorana
  • Majorana: spinor
  • spinor: Dirac
  • Dirac: spinor