Gauge invariant three boson vertices in the Standard Model and the static properties of the W
Oct 5, 199345 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 48 (1993) 4255-4268
- hep-ph/9310210 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- PRINT-93-0716 (NEW-YORK)
Citations per year
: We use the S-matrix pinch technique to derive to one loop-order gauge independent and Z vertices in the context of the Standard Model,with all three incoming momenta off-shell. We show that the vertex so constructed is related to the gauge-independent W self-energy,derived by Degrassi and Sirlin,by a very simple QED-like Ward identity.The same results are obtained by the pinch technique applied directly to the process . Explicit calculations give rise to expressions for the static properties of the W gauge bosons like magnetic dipole and electric quadruple moments which being gauge independent satisfy such crucial properties as infrared finiteness and perturbative unitarity.- vertex function: (3gauge boson)
- vertex function: (W+ W- photon)
- vertex function: (W+ W- Z0)
- W: electric moment
- W: magnetic moment
- magnetic moment: W
- invariance: gauge
- S-matrix
- Feynman graph: higher-order
- Ward identity