A Range telescope technique for particle discrimination and energy reconstruction
Oct, 199323 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Instrum.Meth.A 343 (1994) 623-628
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Abstract: (Elsevier)
We present an analysis technique (“range method”) that optimizes particle discrimination and enables energy reconstruction using a sampling detector. The method is a powerful extension of the well known d E d x - E technique in which the energy loss rate measured by several scintillator layers is fitted on the theoretical energy-range curves. The general features of the method will be discussed and its application to nuclear physics investigations at intermediate energies with the DAPHNE detector. Momentum reconstruction for protons with a resolution of ΔP P = 2.5−10% (FWHM) in the range P = 300–900 MeV/ c has been obtained.- calorimeter: sandwich
- lead
- scintillation counter
- tracks: energy loss
- tracks: absorption
- absorption: tracks
- particle identification
- statistical analysis
- electron positron: colliding beams
- colliding beams: electron positron