Scaling violation in e+ e- fragmentation functions: QCD evolution, hadronization and heavy quark mass effects
Oct, 199350 pages
Published in:
- Nucl.Phys.B 421 (1994) 473-517,
- Nucl.Phys.B 480 (1996) 755 (erratum)
Report number:
- CERN-TH-7018-93
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Abstract: (Elsevier)
Test of QCD in the process e + e − → h X, where h is any hadron species, or any charged hadron, are proposed, concentrating on the following topics: decomposition of the total inclusive cross section into transverse, longitudinal and asymmetric parts; extraction of the gluon fragmentation function from the longitudinal part; flavour sum rules for the asymmetric part; power corrections due to quark masses and hadronization; measurement of α s from a next-to-leading order analysis of scaling violation. We conclude that a number of novel tests can be performed using the very high statistics available at LEP, and that a comparison between LEP and lower-energy data, together with information on heavy quark fragmentation and some model-dependent assumptions about hadronization, could provide a useful measurement of α s .- electron positron: annihilation
- annihilation: electron positron
- electron positron: inclusive reaction
- hadron: electroproduction
- electroproduction: hadron
- quantum chromodynamics: validity test
- cross section: transverse
- cross section: longitudinal
- cross section: asymmetry
- gluon: fragmentation function