Representations of the Virasoro algebra from lattice models

Dec 21, 1993
57 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 426 (1994) 459-504
Report number:
  • USC-93-025,
  • YCTP-P22-93

Citations per year

Abstract: (desy/slac)
We investigate in details how the Virasoro algebra appears in the scaling limit of the simplest lattice models of XXZ or RSOS type. Our approach is straightforward but to our knowledge had never been tried so far. We simply formulate a conjecture for the lattice stress-energy tensor motivated by the exact derivation of lattice global Ward identities. We then check that the proper algebraic relations are obeyed in the scaling limit. The latter is under reasonable control thanks to the Bethe-ansatz solution. The results, which are mostly numerical for technical reasons, are remarkably precise. They are also corroborated by exact pieces of information from various sources, in particular Temperley-Lieb algebra representation theory. Most features of the Virasoro algebra (like central term, null vectors, metric properties...) can thus be observed using the lattice models. This seems of general interest for lattice field theory, and also more specifically for finding relations between conformal invariance and lattice integrability, since basis for the irreducible representations of the Virasoro algebra should now follow (at least in principle) from Bethe-ansatz computations.
  • algebra: Virasoro
  • algebra: representation
  • algebra: Temperley-Lieb
  • tensor: energy-momentum
  • Ward identity
  • thermodynamics: Bethe ansatz
  • lattice field theory
  • field theory: conformal
  • integrability
  • scaling