Precision measurements of the temperature dependence of lamda in YBa Cu-2 O-36.95: Strong evidence for nodes in the gap function
Jun 21, 1993
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Abstract: (APS)
A miniature superconducting resonator operating at 1.3 K and 900 MHz has been used to measure the change in λ(T) from 1.3 K to Tc in very high quality single crystals of YBa2Cu3O6.95. The data, which have a resolution of 1-2 Å, show a strong linear term extending from approximately 3 to 25 K. We believe the strong linear dependence to be characteristic of the pure system and that its apparent absence in thin films and some crystals is due to the presence of defects.- 74.72.Bk
- 74.25.Nf