Letter of Intent for the Study of CP Violation and Heavy Flavor Physics at PEP-II
335 pages
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Report number:
- SLAC-0443,
- SLAC-443,
- SLAC-R-0443,
- SLAC-R-443
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The study of CP-violating asymmetries in decays to CP eigen- states promises, at last, to allow a test of the Standard Model explanation of CP violation. More generally, the measurement of these CP asymmetries can provide us with a series of unique, and uniquely stringent, consistency tests of the quark sector of the Standard Model. These tests, which will be carried out by the BABAR detector at PEP-II, will provide us with perhaps the best chance to challenge the Standard Model in new and quantitatively precise ways. This challenge has come about through the interplay of a series of experimental and theoretical events....- proposal
- electron positron: storage ring
- luminosity
- energy: asymmetry
- electron positron: annihilation
- annihilation: electron positron
- photon photon: interaction
- interaction: photon photon
- Upsilon(10570): electroproduction
- electroproduction: Upsilon(10570)