The Power of holomorphy: Exact results in 4-D SUSY field theories

May, 1994

Citations per year

Holomorphy of the superpotential and of the coefficient of the gauge kinetic terms in supersymmetric theories lead to powerful results. They are the underlying conceptual reason for the important non-renormalization theorems. They also enable us to study the exact non-perturbative dynamics of these theories. We find explicit realizations of known phenomena as well as new ones in four dimensional strongly coupled field theories. These shed new light on confinement and chiral symmetry breaking. This note is based on a talk delivered at the PASCOS (94) meeting at Syracuse University.
  • talk
  • supersymmetry
  • Wess-Zumino model
  • gauge field theory: Yang-Mills
  • vacuum state
  • symmetry breaking: chiral
  • confinement
  • moduli space
  • renormalization