New improved limits have now been obtained for the spin-dependent interaction cross-sections in Na! for weakly interacting dark matter particles assuming they are responsible for the dark matter halo of our Galaxy. The underground facility and experimental configuration will be described together with data. extraction techniques. The background rate in a 1 kg NaI(Tl) crystal scintillator of low radioactivity construction is reported after exposure in the underground facility. A level of ~7 events/kg.day.keV at 4 ke V (equivalent photon energy) provides an improved limit for the possible spin-dependent weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) cross section for elastic scattering from Na! nuclei. A minimum value of 1.5 1033cm210^{-33} cm^2 is obtained for a 25 GeV WIMP mass. Our results are compared in a consistent model independent way with previous data.
  • talk: Villars-sur-Ollon 1994/01/22