Zeta regularization techniques with applications
319 pages
- 9789810214418 (Hardcover),
- 9789814502986 (eBook)
- Published: 1994 in Singapore by World Scientific Publishing
Citations per year
This book is the result of several years of work by the authors on different aspects of zeta functions and related topics. The aim is twofold. On one hand, a considerable number of useful formulas, essential for dealing with the different aspects of zeta-function regularization (analytic continuation, asymptotic expansions), many of which appear here, in book format, for the first time are presented. On the other hand, the authors show explicitly how to make use of such formulas and techniques in practical applications to physical problems of very different nature. Virtually all types of zeta functions are dealt with in the book.- book
- regularization: zeta function
- regularization: heat kernel
- effective action
- effect: Casimir
- space-time
- boundary condition
- vacuum state: energy state
- field theory: scalar
- Kaluza-Klein model