Charm content of a photon and J / psi photoproduction at high-energies
Feb, 1995Citations per year
A study of the charm quark content of a photon contribution in the photoproduction on proton at high energies is presented. Our calculations are based on perturbative QCD and non-relativistic quark model. It is shown that at HERA energy the resolved-photon contribution via partonic subprocess in the total inclusive photoproduction cross-section is not negligible as compare with the dominant photon-gluon fusion contribution and it is high over the resolved-photon contribution via subprocess . We find that the resolved-photon contribution via subprocess in plus open charm associated photoproduction dominates over the direct photon-gluon fusion contribution via subprocess .Note:
- LaTeX, 8 pages, 5 figs not included (available via mail on request)
- photon p: inclusive reaction
- photon: structure function
- quark: charm
- quark: associated production
- associated production: quark
- quantum chromodynamics: perturbation theory
- quark: nonrelativistic
- fusion: photon gluon
- model: parton
- Feynman graph: higher-order