A Study of BB meson oscillations using dilepton events

Jan, 1995

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Abstract: (Springer)
The time dependence of B meson oscillations is studied using hadronic Z0 decays with identified leptons in both thrust hemispheres. Decay times are reconstructed for each of the semileptonic B decays by forming vertices which include the lepton and by estimating the B meson momentum. The mass difference of the two mass eigenstates in the Bd0 system, Δmd, is measured to be0.4620.0530.035+0.040+0.052ps10.462_{ - 0.053 - 0.035}^{ + 0.040 + 0.052} ps^{ - 1}, where the first error is statistical and the second systematic. For the Bs0 system, a lower limit of Δms>2.2 ps−1 at 95% C.L. is derived.
  • electron positron: colliding beams
  • colliding beams: electron positron
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • annihilation: electron positron
  • Z0: electroproduction
  • electroproduction: Z0
  • Z0: nonleptonic decay
  • nonleptonic decay: Z0
  • bottom: pair production
  • pair production: bottom
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