A Way to break supersymmetry
Mar, 199519 pages
- hep-th/9503030 [hep-th]
Report number:
- CPTH-R349-0395,
- CPTH-RR349-0395,
- CPTH-RR.349.0395
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I study the spontaneous breakdown of supersymmetry when higher-dimensional Yang-Mills or the type-I string theory are compactified on magnetized tori. Because of the universal gyromagnetic ratio , the splittings of all multiplets are given by the product of charge times internal helicity operators. As a result such compactifications have two remarkable and robust features: {\it (a)} they can reconcile {\it chirality} with {\it extended} low-energy supersymmetry in the limit of large tori, and {\it (b)} they can trigger gauge-symmetry breaking, via Nielsen-Olesen instabilities, at a scale tied classically to . I exhibit a compactification of the superstring, in which magnetic fields break spontaneously supersymmetry, produce the standard-model gauge group with three chiral families of quarks and leptons, and trigger electroweak symmetry breaking. I discuss supertrace relations and the ensuing ultraviolet softness. As with other known mechanisms of supersymmetry breaking, the one proposed here faces two open problems: the threat to perturbative calculability in the decompactification limit, and the problem of gravitational stability and in particular of the cosmological constant. I explain, however, why a good classical description of the vacuum may require small tadpoles for the dilaton, moduli and metric.Note:
- 20 pages, Latex file
- string model: SO(32)
- supersymmetry: spontaneously broken
- gauge field theory: Yang-Mills
- dimension: >4
- compactification: torus
- magnetic field
- group theory: representation
- bibliography