Spectral flows and twisted topological theories

Apr, 1995
10 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 369 (1996) 7-15
Report number:
  • IMAFF-95-35

Citations per year

We analyze the action of the spectral flows on N=2 twisted topological theories. We show that they provide a useful mapping between the two twisted topological theories associated to a given N=2 superconformal theory. This mapping can also be viewed as a topological algebra automorphism. In particular null vectors are mapped into null vectors, considerably simplifying their computation. We give the level 2 results. Finally we discuss the spectral flow mapping in the case of the DDK and KM realizations of the topological algebra.
  • 10 pages, Latex Report-no: IMAFF-95/35
  • field theory: conformal
  • dimension: 2
  • field theory: topological
  • operator: algebra
  • algebra: representation