Role of correlated two pion exchange in K + N scattering
Apr, 1995
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A dynamical model for S-- and P--wave correlated (and ) exchange between a kaon and a nucleon is presented, starting from corresponding amplitudes in the pseudophysical region, which have been constructed from nucleon, --isobar and hyperon (, ) exchange Born terms and a realistic meson exchange model of the and amplitude. The contribution in the s--channel is then obtained by performing a dispersion relation over the unitarity cut. In the --channel, considerable ambiguities exist, depending on how the dispersion integral is performed. Our model, supplemented by short range interaction terms, is able to describe empirical data below pion production threshold in a satisfactory way.Note:
- 24 pages, REVTEX, figures available from the authors
- K+ nucleon: elastic scattering
- elastic scattering: K+ nucleon
- nucleon antinucleon: exclusive reaction
- K: pair production
- pair production: K
- exchange: two-pion
- two-pion: exchange
- correlation: two-pion
- effective potential
- spectral representation