Isospin lattice gas model and nuclear matter phase diagram and pressure - volume isotherms

May, 1995
11 pages
Published in:
  • Int.J.Mod.Phys.E 5 (1996) 303-312

Citations per year

We study a cubic lattice gas model for nuclear matter where each lattice site can be either occupied, by one proton or one neutron, or unoccupied. A nearest-neighbor interaction of the form <ij>Jijτziτzj - \sum_{<ij>} J_{ij}\tau_{zi} \tau_{zj} is assumed. Our model is an isospin-1 Ising model, with τz{\tau_z} = (1,0,-1) representing respectively (proton, vacancy, neutron). A kinetic-energy term has been included in our model. Under the Bragg-Williams mean field approximation our model exhibits the existence of a dense phase (liquid-like) and a rare phase (gas-like). The nuclear-matter p-v isotherms given by our model are discussed.
  • 12 pages, LaTeX, 3 figures are available on request at; to be published in IJMPE