Weak decays of heavy - light mesons on the lattice: Semileptonic form-factors

Mar, 1995

Citations per year

We report results (on an intermediate statistics sample) of a study of weak semi-leptonic formfactors of BB and DD decays, addressing the uncertainties from mass extrapolations to chiral and to heavy quarks. Moreover, we present a nonperturbative test to the LMK current renormalization scheme for vector current {\it transition} matrix elements and find remarkable agreement.
  • talk: Yamagata 1995/03/16
  • B: semileptonic decay
  • semileptonic decay: B
  • D: semileptonic decay
  • semileptonic decay: D
  • form factor: momentum transfer
  • momentum transfer: form factor
  • quark: chiral
  • heavy quark
  • quark: mass
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