Momentum scale expansion of sharp cutoff flow equations

Aug, 1995
31 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 458 (1996) 477-503
Report number:
  • SHEP-95-21

Citations per year

We show how the exact renormalization group for the effective action with a sharp momentum cutoff, may be organised by expanding one-particle irreducible parts in terms of homogeneous functions of momenta of integer degree (Taylor expansions not being possible). A systematic series of approximations -- the O(p M)O(p~M) approximations -- result from discarding from these parts, all terms of higher than the M thM~{\rm th} degree. These approximations preserve a field reparametrization invariance, ensuring that the field's anomalous dimension is unambiguously determined. The lowest order approximation coincides with the local potential approximation to the Wegner-Houghton equations. We discuss the practical difficulties with extending the approximation beyond O(p 0)O(p~0).
  • 31 pages including 5 eps figures, uses harvmac and epsf
  • field theory: scalar
  • effective action
  • renormalization group
  • expansion: momentum
  • potential: local
  • invariance: reparametrization
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