Stochastic particle acceleration near accreting black holes

Aug, 1995
31 pages
Published in:
  • Astrophys.J. 456 (1996) 106
Report number:
  • NRL-7653-15

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We consider the stochastic acceleration of particles which results from resonant interactions with plasma waves in black hole magnetospheres. We calculate acceleration rates and escape time scales for protons and electrons resonating with Alfv\'en waves, and for electrons resonating with whistlers. Assuming either a Kolmogorov or Kraichnan wave spectrum, accretion at the Eddington limit, magnetic field strengths near equipartition, and turbulence energy densities 10%\sim 10\% of the total magnetic field energy density, we find that Alfv\'en waves accelerate protons to Lorentz factors \lte 10~4--10 610~6 before they escape from the system. Acceleration of electrons by fast mode and whistler waves can produce a nonthermal population of relativistic electons whose maximum energy is determined by a competition with radiation losses. Particle energization and outflow is not possible at lower accretion rates, magnetic field strengths, or turbulence levels due to dominant Coulomb losses. Increases in the accretion luminosity relative to the Eddington luminosity can trigger particle acceleration out of the thermal background, and this mechanism could account for the differences between radio-quiet and radio-loud active galactic nuclei. Observations of outflowing radio-emitting components following transient X-ray events in galactic X-ray novae and gamma-ray flares in blazars are in accord with this scenario.