Strong and electromagnetic interactions of heavy baryons
Dec, 199518 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 53 (1996) 6576-6581
- hep-ph/9512231 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- UTAS-PHYS-95-49
Citations per year
It is possible to express all the strong and electromagnetic interactions of ground state hadrons in terms of a single coupling constant and the constituent quark masses, using spin-flavour relativistic supermultiplet theory. Results are generally accurate to within 10%.- 11.30.Hv
- 13.40.Hq
- 14.20.-c
- 13.30.-a
- charmed baryon: strong interaction
- strong interaction: charmed baryon
- charmed baryon: electromagnetic interaction
- electromagnetic interaction: charmed baryon
- coupling constant
- mass dependence