A Tighter test of local Lorentz invariance of gravity using PSR-2317+1439
Dec, 1995
5 pages
Published in:
- Astrophys.J. 464 (1996) 857
- astro-ph/9512100 [astro-ph]
Report number:
- IHES-P-95-100
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Abstract: (arXiv)
Gravity being a long-range force, one might {\it a priori} expect the Universe's global matter distribution to select a preferred rest frame for local gravitational physics. The phenomenology of preferred-frame effects, in the strong-gravitational field context of binary pulsars, is described by two parameters and . These parameters vanish identically in general relativity, and reduce, in the weak-field limit, to the two parametrized post-Newtonian (PPN) parameters and . We derive a limit of (90\%C.L.) using the very low eccentricity binary pulsar PSR J2317+1439, improving by a factor of 3 on previous limits.Note:
- 4 pages, LaTeX, requires aaspp4.sty and flushrt.sty, submitted to ApJ Report-no: IHES/P/95/100