Conformal invariance, N extended supersymmetry and massless spinning particles in anti-de Sitter space

Dec, 1995
13 pages
Published in:
  • Mod.Phys.Lett.A 11 (1996) 1653-1664
Report number:
  • ITP-UH-29-95

Citations per year

Starting with a manifestly conformal (O(d,2)O(d,2) invariant) mechanics model in dd space and 2 time dimensions, we derive the action for a massless spinning particle in dd-dimensional anti-de Sitter space. The action obtained possesses both gauge NN-extended worldline supersymmetry and local O(N)O(N) invarince. Thus we improve the old statement by Howe et al. that the spinning particle model with extended worldline supersymmetry admits only flat space-time background for N>2N > 2 (spin greater one). The original (d+2)(d+2)-dimensional model is characterized by rather unusual property that the corresponding supersymmetry transformations do not commute with the conformal ones, in spite of the explicit O(d,2)O(d,2) invariance of the action.
  • 13 pages, LaTeX
  • space-time: de Sitter
  • mechanics: classical
  • spin
  • supersymmetry
  • invariance: conformal