Prepotential and the Seiberg-Witten theory

Dec, 1995
50 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 491 (1997) 529-573
Report number:
  • ITEP-M6-95,
  • OU-HET-230

Citations per year

Some basic facts about the prepotential in the SW/Whitham theory are presented. Consideration begins from the abstract theory of quasiclassical τ\tau-functions , which uses as input a family of complex spectral curves with a meromorphic differential dSdS, subject to the constraint dS/(moduli)= holomorphic\partial dS/\partial(moduli)= \ holomorphic, and gives as an output a homogeneous prepotential on extended moduli space. Then reversed construction is discussed, which is straightforwardly generalizable from spectral {\it curves} to certain complex manifolds of dimension d>1d >1 (like K3K3 and CYCY families). Finally, examples of particular N=2N=2 SUSY gauge models are considered from the point of view of this formalism. At the end we discuss similarity between the WP 121,1,2,2,6WP~{12}_{1,1,2,2,6} -\-Calabi-\-Yau model with h21=2h_{21}=2 and the 1d1d SL(2)SL(2) Calogero/Ruijsenaars model, but stop short of the claim that they belong to the same Whitham universality class beyond the conifold limit.
  • 50 pages, Latex Report-no: ITEP-M6/95, OU-HET-230
  • N = 2 supersymmetry
  • Low-energy prepotential
  • Quasi-classical τ-function
  • Elliptic Calogero system
  • Picard-Fuchs equation
  • Meromorphic differential
  • field theory: topological
  • potential: prepotential
  • Riemann surface
  • moduli space