Abstract: (Elsevier)
The focus of this experiment is on dimuons at low M T but the mass range up to the J ψ is also covered. Dimuons are measured over a wide rapidity interval, ranging from nearly central to very forward rapidities. Experimental results concerning the vector meson production in p-W and S-W interactions at 200 GeV/c/A as a function of the charged multiplicity are presented together with a comparison of the observed invariant mass spectra with the dimuon conventional sources in the mass region between the φ and J ψ mesons. The observed large difference in the shape and absolute value of p-W and S-W dimuon spectra cannot be explained in terms of a direct extrapolation of the p-p results.
  • talk: Monterey 1995/01/09
  • p nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • nucleus nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • multiple production
  • charged particle: multiplicity
  • muon: pair production
  • pair production: muon
  • mass spectrum: dimuon
  • dimuon: mass spectrum
  • J/psi(3100): hadroproduction