Modeling the nucleon wave function from soft and hard processes

Mar, 1996
32 pages
Published in:
  • Z.Phys.A 356 (1996) 327
Report number:
  • WUB-95-35,
  • WU-B-95-35

Citations per year

Current light-cone wave functions for the nucleon are unsatisfactory since they are in conflict with the data of the nucleon's Dirac form factor at large momentum transfer. Therefore, we attempt a determination of a new wave function respecting theoretical ideas on its parameterization and satisfying the following constraints: It should provide a soft Feynman contribution to the proton's form factor in agreement with data; it should be consistent with current parameterizations of the valence quark distribution functions and lastly it should provide an acceptable value for the \jp \to N \bar N decay width. The latter process is calculated within the modified perturbative approach to hard exclusive reactions. A simultaneous fit to the three sets of data leads to a wave function whose xx-dependent part, the distribution amplitude, shows the same type of asymmetry as those distribution amplitudes constrained by QCD sum rules. The asymmetry is however much more moderate as in those amplitudes. Our distribution amplitude resembles the asymptotic one in shape but the position of the maximum is somewhat shifted.
  • 32 pages RevTex + PS-file with 5 figures in uu-encoded, compressed file
  • nucleon: wave function
  • nucleon: form factor
  • form factor: nucleon
  • quark: valence
  • quark: momentum spectrum
  • J/psi(3100): hadronic decay
  • hadronic decay: J/psi(3100)
  • nucleon: pair production
  • pair production: nucleon
  • J/psi(3100): width