Measurement of the forward - backward asymmetry in and the quark branching ratio to muons at TRISTAN using neural networks
18 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 381 (1996) 365-371
PDG: anything
Report number:
Citations per year
Abstract: (Elsevier)
The forward-backward asymmetry in e + e − → b b at s = 57.9 GeV and the b-quark branching ratio to muons have been measured using neural networks. Unlike previous methods for measuring the b b forward-backward asymmetry where the estimated background from c -quark decays and other sources are subtracted, here events are categorized as either b b or non- b b events by neural networks based on event-by-event characteristics. The determined asymmetry is −0.429 ± 0.044 (stat) ± 0.047 (sys) and is consistent with the prediction of the standard model. The measured B B mixing parameter is 0.136 ± 0.037 (stat) ± 0.040 (sys) ± 0.002 (model) and the measured b-quark branching ratio to muons is 0.122 ± 0.006 (stat) ± 0.007 (sys).- electron positron: colliding beams
- colliding beams: electron positron
- electron positron: annihilation
- annihilation: electron positron
- bottom: pair production
- pair production: bottom
- bottom: semileptonic decay
- semileptonic decay: bottom
- bottom: branching ratio
- angular distribution: asymmetry
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