Diffractive open charm production at HERA

Jun, 1996
34 pages
Published in:
  • Z.Phys.C 74 (1997) 671-685
Report number:
  • DTP-96-50

Citations per year

We use perturbative QCD to calculate the cross sections σ L,T\sigma~{L,T} for the diffractive production of open charm (cc)(c\overline{c}) from longitudinally and transversely polarised photons (of virtuality Q 2Q~2) incident at high energy (s)(\sqrt{s}) on a proton target. We study both the Q 2Q~2 and M 2M~2 dependence of the cross sections, where MM is the invariant mass of the ccc\overline{c} pair. Surprisingly, the result for σ T\sigma~T, as well as for σ L\sigma~L, is perturbatively stable. We estimate higher-order corrections and find a sizeable enhancement of the cross sections. The cross sections depend on the {\it square} of the gluon density g(x,K 2)g (x, K~2), and we show that the observation of open charm at the HERA electron-proton collider can act as a sensitive probe of the gluon distribution for x=(Q 2+M 2)/sx = (Q~2 + M~2)/s and scale K 2=(mc 2+kT 2)(1+Q 2/M 2)K~2 = (m_c~2 + \langle k_T~2 \rangle) (1 + Q~2/M~2) where the average quark transverse momentum squared kT 2mc 2\langle k_T~2 \rangle \sim m_c~2. As compared to diffractive J/ψJ/\psi production, open charm has the advantage that it is independent of the non-perturbative ambiguities arising from the J/ψJ/\psi wave function. We estimate the fraction of diffractive events that arise from ccc\overline{c} production.
  • 34 pages, LaTeX, 15 Postscript figures included using epsf. The complete paper, including figures, is also available via anonymous ftp at ftp://cpt1.dur.ac.uk/pub/preprints/dtp96/dtp9650/ Report-no: DTP/96/50
  • electron p: deep inelastic scattering
  • deep inelastic scattering: electron p
  • exchange: one-photon
  • one-photon: exchange
  • photon p: interaction
  • interaction: photon p
  • diffraction
  • quark: charm
  • quark: electroproduction
  • electroproduction: quark
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