More on softly broken N=2 QCD
Jun, 199634 pages
Published in:
- Int.J.Mod.Phys.A 12 (1997) 975-1002
- hep-th/9606191 [hep-th]
Report number:
- CERN-TH-96-166,
- US-FT-34-96
Citations per year
We extend previous work on the soft breaking of supersymmetric QCD. We present the formalism for the breaking due to a dilaton spurion for a general gauge group and obtain the exact effective potential. We obtain some general features of the vacuum structure in the pure Yang-Mills theory and we also derive a general mass formula for this class of theories, in particular we present explicit results for the mass spectrum in the case. Finally we analyze the vacuum structure of the theory with one massless hypermultiplet. This theory presents dyon condensation and a first order phase transition in the supersymmetry breaking parameter driven by non-mutually local BPS states. This could be a hint of Argyres-Douglas-like phases in non-supersymmetric gauge theories.Note:
- 35 pages, 9 Postscript figures
- gauge field theory: SU(N)
- supersymmetry: symmetry breaking
- vacuum state
- mass spectrum
- field theory: monopole
- dyon
- particle: multiplet
- multiplet: particle
- effective potential
- numerical calculations