Translationally invariant treatment of pair correlations in nuclei. 1. Spin and isospin dependent correlations

Jul, 1996
23 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.A 609 (1996) 218-236
Report number:
  • UMIST-PHYS-TP-96-3

Citations per year

We study the extension of our translationally invariant treatment of few-body nuclear systems to heavier nuclei. At the same time we also introduce state-dependent correlation operators. Our techniques are tailored to those nuclei that can be dealt with in LSLS coupling, which includes all nuclei up to the shell closure at A=40A=40. We study mainly pp-shell nuclei in this paper. A detailed comparison with other microscopic many-body approaches is made, using a variety of schematic nuclear interactions. It is shown that our methodology produces very good energies, and presumably also wave functions, for medium mass nuclei.
  • 23 pages, 1 postscript figure. Uses elsart.cls and epsfig.sty Report-no: UMIST/Phys/TP/96-3