Study of three nucleon mechanisms in the photodisintegration of He-3

Jun, 1996
17 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.A 614 (1997) 461-471
Report number:
  • DAPNIA-SPHN-96-19

Citations per year

Abstract: (Elsevier)
The cross section of the 3 He(γ,pp)n reaction has been measured for the first time over a wide photon energy and proton angular range (200 MeV ≤ E γ ≤ 800 MeV; 20° ≤ ϑ p lab ≤ 160°) using the large acceptance detector DAPHNE at the tagged photon facility of the MAMI microtron in Mainz. The wide kinematical coverage of the measurement has allowed a detailed analysis of three-nucleon absorption mechanisms. A model developed by Laget explains the main characteristics of the data in the Δ resonance region.
  • 25.20.Dc
  • 21.45.+v
  • 25.10+s
  • Nuclear reactions
  • photon nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • helium: nuclide
  • photofission
  • photon: tagged beam
  • photon: absorption
  • model: absorption
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