Thermal particle and photon production in pb + pb collisions with transverse flow

Nov, 1996
35 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Rev.C 55 (1997) 1431-1442

Citations per year

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Particle and photon production is analyzed in the presence of transverse flow using two approximations to describe the properties of the hadronic medium, one containing only π,ρ,ω\pi, \rho, \omega, and η\eta mesons (simplified equation of state) and the other containing hadrons and resonances from the particle data table. Both are considered with and without initial quark gluon plasma formation. In each case the initial temperature is fixed by requiring dNch/dydN_{ch}/dy \sim 550 in the final state. It is shown that most observables are very sensitive to the equation of state. This is particularly evident when comparing the results of the simplified equation of state in the scenarios with and without phase transition. The hadronic gas scenario leads to a substantially higher rate for the pTp_T-distribution of all particles. In the complete equation of state with several hundreds of hadronic resonances, the difference between the scenarios with and without phase transition is rather modest. Both photon and particle spectra, in a wide pTp_T range, show very similar behavior. It is therefore concluded that from the pTp_T spectra it will be hard to disentangle quark gluon plasma formation in the initial state. It is to be stressed however, that there are conceptual difficulties in applying a pure hadronic gas equation of state at SPS-energies. The phase transition scenario with a quark gluon plasma present in the initial state seems to be the more natural one.
  • 9 pages RevTeX figures in postscript format
  • nucleus nucleus: nuclear reaction
  • scattering: heavy ion
  • lead
  • hadron: hadroproduction
  • photon: hadroproduction
  • particle flow: transverse
  • nuclear reaction: temperature
  • hadron: gas
  • meson resonance: effect
  • energy: density
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