Gauge invariant and gauge fixed D-brane actions

Dec, 1996
34 pages
Published in:
  • Nucl.Phys.B 495 (1997) 99-126
Report number:
  • CALT-68-2088

Citations per year

The first part of this paper presents actions for Dirichlet p-branes embedded in a flat 10-dimensional space-time. The fields of the (p+1)-dimensional world-volume theories are the 10d space-time coordinates X m X~m, a pair of Majorana-Weyl spinors θ1\theta_1 and θ2\theta_2, and a U(1) gauge field AμA_{\mu}. The N = 2A or 2B super-Poincare group in ten dimensions is realized as a global symmetry. In addition, the theories have local symmetries consisting of general coordinate invariance of the world volume, a local fermionic symmetry (called ``kappa''), and U(1) gauge invariance. A detailed proof of the kappa symmetry is given that applies to all cases (p = 0,1, . . ., 9). The second part of the paper presents gauge-fixed versions of these theories. The fields of the 10d (p = 9) gauge-fixed theory are a single Majorana-Weyl spinor λ\lambda and the U(1) gauge field AμA_{\mu}. This theory, whose action turns out to be surprisingly simple, is a supersymmetric extension of 10d Born-Infeld theory. It has two global supersymmetries: one represents an unbroken symmetry, and the second corresponds to a broken symmetry for which λ\lambda is the Goldstone fermion. The gauge-fixed supersymmetric D-brane theories with p<9p<9 can be obtained from the 10d one by dimensional reduction.
  • 33 pages, latex, no figures; revised as requested by referee
  • 11.10.Kk
  • 11.25.Pm
  • I 1.27.+d
  • Born-Infeld theory
  • D-branes
  • Superstring theory
  • membrane model: p-brane
  • supersymmetry: superfield
  • space-time
  • dimension: 10