The Nucleon-nucleon potential in the 1/N(c) expansion
Dec, 199617 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.C 56 (1997) 76-83
- nucl-th/9612021 [nucl-th]
Report number:
- DOE-ER-40561-302,
- INT-96-00-156,
- UW-PT-96-32,
- UCSD-PTH-96-10
Citations per year
The nucleon-nucleon potential is analysed using the 1/N_c expansion of QCD. The NN potential is shown to have an expansion in 1/N_c~2, and the strengths of the leading order central, spin-orbit, tensor, and quadratic spin-orbit forces (including isospin dependence) are determined. Comparison with a successful phenomenological potential (Nijmegen) shows that the large-N_c analysis explains many of the qualitative features observed in the nucleon-nucleon interaction. The 1/N_c expansion implies an effective Wigner supermultiplet symmetry for light nuclei. Results for baryons containing strange quarks are presented in an appendix.- quantum chromodynamics
- nucleon nucleon: potential
- expansion 1/N: color
- spin: orbit
- force
- baryon baryon: interaction
- quark: strangeness
- nuclear properties: symmetry
- effective Hamiltonian
- Hartree approximation