Theory of eta photoproduction and electroproduction

Dec, 1996
9 pages
Contribution to:
Report number:
  • RPI-96-N112

Citations per year

0 Citations
We analyze the available data on eta photo- and electroproduction, around W1535 MeV, in the framework of the effective Lagrangian approach, and extract, in a nearly model-independent fashion, the electrostrong amplitude for the gamma+N--> N*(1535)--> N+eta processes. Quark model approaches are shown to be quite inadequate to explain this property at all Q~2. In particular, at high Q~2, the extracted amplitude falls much slower than the predictions of the quark model, as a function of Q~2, a situation similar to the electroexcitation and decay of Delta(1232). A QCD explanation of these observations is urgently needed.
  • talk: Seattle 1996/09/09
  • electron nucleon: exclusive reaction
  • photon nucleon: exclusive reaction
  • eta: electroproduction
  • eta: photoproduction
  • effective Lagrangian
  • N(1535): photoproduction
  • N(1535): hadronic decay
  • Feynman graph
  • angular distribution