The parameter-free predictions for the NP11(1440)N - P_{11}(1440) and NP33(1232)N - P_{33}(1232) electromagnetic transition form factors, obtained within our light-front constituent quark model using eigenfunctions of a baryon mass operator which includes a large amount of configuration mixing, are reported. The effects due to small components in the baryon wave functions, such as S'- and D-wave, are also investigated.
  • to appear in the Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hadron Dynamics with the new DAPHNE and CEBAF facilities, Frascati, Italy, 11-14 November 1996 Report-no: preprint INFN-ISS 96/12
  • talk: Frascati 1996/11/11
  • transition: Delta(1232) nucleon
  • transition: N(1440) nucleon
  • form factor: transition
  • form factor: momentum transfer
  • quark: light front
  • baryon: form factor
  • baryon: wave function
  • Hamiltonian formalism
  • partial wave