Charged current leptoproduction of D mesons in the variable flavor scheme
Feb, 199711 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Rev.D 56 (1997) 1804-1807
- hep-ph/9702296 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- DO-TH-97-02
Citations per year
We present formulae for the momentum (z) distributions of D-mesons produced in neutrino deep-inelastic scattering off strange partons. The expressions are derived within the variable flavor scheme of Aivazis et al. (ACOT-scheme), which is extended from its fully inclusive formulation to one-hadron inclusive leptoproduction. The dependence of the results on the assumed strange quark mass m_s is investigated and the m_ \to 0 limit is compared to the corresponding MSbar results. The importance of O(alpha_s) quark-initiated corrections is demonstrated for the m_s=0 case.- 13.85.Ni
- 13.60.Hb
- 13.87.Fh
- neutrino nucleon: deep inelastic scattering
- charged current
- model: parton
- quark: strangeness
- quark: flavor
- D: neutrinoproduction
- structure function