Observation of events at very high Q2Q^{2} in epe p collisions at HERA

Feb, 1997
30 pages
Published in:
  • Z.Phys.C 74 (1997) 191-206
Report number:
  • DESY-97-024,
  • DESY-97-24,
  • DAPNIA-SPP-97-18

Citations per year

Measurements of ep scattering with squared 4-momentum transfer Q~2 up to 35000 GeV~2 are compared with the expectation of the standard deep-inelastic model of lepton-nucleon scattering (DIS). For Q~2 > 15000 GeV~2, N_{obs} =12 neutral current candidate events are observed where the expectation is N_DIS = 4.71 \pm 0.76 events. In the same Q~2 range, N_{obs} =4 charged current candidates are observed where the expectation is N_{DIS} = 1.77 \pm 0.87 events. The probability P(N \geq N_{obs}) that the DIS model signal N fluctuates to N \geq N_{obs} in a random set of experiments is 6 10~{-3} for neutral current and 0.14 for charged current. The difference in the observed and expected number of Neutral Current events is mostly due to events at large masses M = sqrt{xs} in which the positron is backscattered at large y = Q~2/M~2.
  • 30 pages, latex, 8 Figures Report-no: DESY 97-024
  • positron p: colliding beams
  • positron p: deep inelastic scattering
  • momentum transfer: high
  • neutral current
  • charged current
  • electroweak interaction: validity test
  • transverse momentum: missing-energy
  • positron: energy spectrum
  • angular distribution
  • spectrum: momentum transfer
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