Instantons and the chiral phase transition
Feb, 19979 pages
Published in:
- Phys.Lett.B 400 (1997) 364-369
- hep-ph/9702404 [hep-ph]
Report number:
- YCTP-P1-97
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We examine the role of instantons in the zero-temperature chiral phase transition in an SU(N) gauge theory. For a range of N_f (the number of fermion flavors) depending on N, the theory exhibits an infrared fixed point at coupling . As N_f decreases, increases, and it eventually exceeds a critical value sufficient to trigger chiral symmetry breaking. For the case N = 2, we estimate the critical values of N_f and due to instantons by numerically solving a gap equation with an instanton-generated kernel. We find instanton effects of strength comparable to that of gluon exchange.Note:
- LaTeX, 9 pages, including 2 figures in EPS format Report-no: YCTP-P1-97
- gauge field theory: SU(N)
- fermion
- gauge field theory: Theta parameter
- symmetry: chiral
- spontaneous symmetry breaking
- critical phenomena
- field theory: instanton