A Measurement of R(b) using a lifetime mass tag

Feb, 1997
15 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 401 (1997) 150-162
Report number:
  • CERN-PPE-97-017,
  • CERN-PPE-97-17,
  • FSU-SCRI-97-77

Citations per year

Abstract: (Elsevier)
ALEPH's published measurement of R b = Γ( Z → b b ) Γ( Z → hadrons ) using a lifetime tag is updated using the full LEP 1 data sample. Considerable effort has been devoted to understanding systematic effects. Charm background is better controlled by combining the lifetime tag with a tag based on the b c hadron mass difference. Furthermore, the algorithm used to reconstruct the event primary vertex is designed so as to reduce correlations between the two hemispheres of an event. The value of R b is measured to be 0.2167 ± 0.0011(stat) ± 0.0013(syst).
  • electron positron: colliding beams
  • electron positron: annihilation
  • Z0: electroproduction
  • Z0: hadronic decay
  • Z0: branching ratio
  • bottom: pair production
  • particle identification: flavor
  • efficiency
  • hadron: mass difference
  • angular correlation: correction