Inclusive semileptonic decays of polarized Lambda(b) baryons into polarized tau leptons

Mar, 1997
32 pages
Published in:
  • Eur.Phys.J.C 1 (1998) 221-233
Report number:
  • MZ-TH-95-21,
  • TECHNION-PH-97-02

Citations per year

Abstract: (arXiv)
We employ OPE techniques within HQET to calculate the inclusive semileptonic decays of polarized Λb\Lambda_b baryons. Lepton mass effects are included which enables us to also discuss rates into polarized τ\tau-leptons. We present explicit results for the longitudinal polarization of the τ\tau in the Λb\Lambda_b rest frame as well as in the (τ,νˉτ)(\tau ^-, \bar \nu_\tau) c.m. frame. In both cases we make use of novel calculational techniques which considerably simplify the calculations. The transverse polarization components of the τ\tau are calculated in the (τ,νˉτ)(\tau^-,\bar\nu_\tau) c.m. frame. We delineate how to measure the full set of 14 polarized and unpolarized structure functions of the decay process by angular correlation measurements. A set of observables are identified that allow one to isolate the contributions of the two O(1/mb2)O(1/m_b^2) nonperturbative matrix elements KbK_b and ϵb\epsilon_b.
  • 32 pages RevTex with 2 included figures
  • Lambda/b0: semileptonic decay
  • decay: inclusive reaction
  • Lambda/b0: polarization
  • HQET model
  • operator product expansion
  • lepton: mass
  • tau: polarization
  • polarization: longitudinal
  • polarization: transverse
  • structure function: polarization