Electromagnetic selfinteraction in strings

Mar, 1997
9 pages
Published in:
  • Phys.Lett.B 404 (1997) 246-252
Report number:
  • OBSPM-97005

Citations per year

To facilitate the treatment of electromagnetic effects in applications such as dynamically perturbed vortons, this work employs a covariantly formulated string-source Green measure to obtain a coherent relativistic scheme for describing the self interaction of electromagnetic currents in string models of a very general kind, at leading order in the relevant field gradients, using a regularised gradient operator given by ^ν=\hat\nabla_\nu= ˉν+12Kν\bar\nabla_\nu +{1\over 2} K_\nu where ˉν\bar\nabla_\nu is the usual tangential gradient operator and KνK_\nu is the extrinsic curvature vector.
  • 10 pages Latex, to appear in Phys. Lett. B
  • string model
  • electromagnetic interaction
  • effective action